A New Window on Your Money
Featured, Transparency — By Paul Tyahla on October 13, 2011 at 5:42 PMThe Common Sense Institute of New Jersey announced the launch of www.NJOpenGov.org, a state government transparency website that will bring more data and greater analytical capability to New Jersey citizens.
While Institute scholars will use the data to study historical trends, the openness of the information is meant to encourage individual citizens to verify political statements, compare where the state stands now to early in the last decade, and dismiss red herrings that have become too common in modern political discourse.
“Our goal for the site is simple,” said CSI-NJ Executive Director Paul Tyahla. “It is to allow everyday New Jerseyans to see for themselves how their hard-earned money is being taxed and spent – down to the agency, person and dollar.”
The transparency website gives you the tools to view and do your own analysis on taxing, spending, payroll, and pension data at the state level, and includes features not available on media or government sites. It is free to use, as the Institute works to give you the tools so that an army of Davids can compete with the Goliaths that have run state politics for too long.